I'm not a fan of scary films but I liked the way this was written out. I knew this was a horror film but then they throw a bunch of semi naked woman with their boobs out to get my attention, especially a naked Kelly brook that plays Danni. She’s not just a pretty face, she can act aswell. Watching this had one part of me wanted to see her getting it on whilst the other was thinking about the Piranhas showing up and ruining the party.
I liked the way Director Alenxandre Aja has done some of the shots in this film because he makes you think something has happened but then when you see the full picture & I realised its nothing yet. I was constantly thinking “oh no don’t go there” &“oh no don’t do that” alot in this film.
This film is not for the light hearted as I don’t think I have seen anything so graphic so gory in a long time. These computers generated Piranha’s ran the show. When the killing gear kicked into top speed limbs became detached, flesh were getting ripped off, blood everywhere. I felt squeezy I had to look away a couple times. There are too many types of deaths in this film, it will put you off your popcorn, put me off mine. I didn’t mind because I was so entertained at the same time. Its is cheesy at times but it works at the same time.
At the end of the day the piranhas are still fishes but in 3D and on big screen in the cinema they look pretty scary. The detail on the fishes looks good from the teeth to the scales. This film was a visual treat, it had me mouth open gobsmacked because i couldn’t believe what i was seeing.
The next time you’re at the beach you will definitely think about this film.

The scene were the girl is gliding in the sea attached to a boat. She doesn’t realise it but the Piranha’s come from behind and start eating at her legs. She screams “pick me up” and by the time the people on the boat realise that her screams are not of joy but of agony, there’s blood everywhere. By the time she’s risen back in the air her legs are eaten off. *ouch*
(if you loved another moment in the film, please feel free to tell me in the comments)
After a sudden underwater tremor sets free scores of the prehistoric man-eating fish, an unlikely group of strangers must band together to stop themselves from becoming fish food for the area's new razor-toothed residents.
omg this movie was soo scary, nice review x