Its films like these that make me thank god for special effects and 3D because without that everyone would hate films like this. The storyline doesn’t pack enough of a punch from any angle. I’m wondering why they bothered making it after reading the script. Even the 3D visuals is minimal so I think to save money everyone should go see it in 2D (you won’t miss much, promise.) The production company had the same technology used in making Avatar so why is this one nowhere as good?
There’s not enough time to care about the background of everyone’s story and connection so this made it hard for me to understand it. So I just now wanted to see amazing special effects that should blow me away as the actors/actresses bend Air, water, Earth & Fire. This doesn’t really happen. The Director M. Night Shyamalan managed to rush through the first book of the series in 94 minutes. The important parts of the story are not explained in depth, so sadly I lost interest altogether.
I’m pretty sure if I watch this in 2D I would be sat in the cinema thinking I was at home watching a bad Nickelodeon remake. Proper fans of the cartoon will be so disappointed in this film, they might even ask for their money back at the box office. I do believe films can be saved by actors but it sadly wasn’t the case. The casting for this film was all wrong, these kids on screen look like TV actors not movie stars. The only actor I liked was the slum dog millionaire actor Dev Patel who played Prince Zuko. He played his role well. On this positive note I did like the costumes worn, kingdoms shots and some of the fight scenes in slow motion.
There is to be a second sequel “The Last Airbender 2”. I got this feeling with the end scene of this first one. If I hear it’s as bad as this first one I won’t be watching it. Hopefully they can change directors.
#Quick Thought: Everytime anyone says the word Avatar in this film, see how many times you drift off thinking of the actual film Avatar.

A scene were The Avatar Aang played by Noel Ringer finally manages to conquer water and is in battle with the fire nation. The effects of arrow on his head glowing and the effects of the water looked pretty cool.
(if you loved another moment in the film, please feel free to tell me in the comments)
The story follows the adventures of Aang, a young successor to a long line of Avatars, who must put his childhood ways aside and stop the Fire Nation from enslaving the Water, Earth and Air nations.
FUCK OFF .... soo ur tellin me after nearli a YEAR waitin 4 THE LAST AIRBENDER ITS SHIT??? .... DA SAME FUCKIN TING DEY DID WITH DRAGONBALL .. i swear down ima GO EVIL GENIUS ON HOLLYWOOD AND BLOW DAT BITCH UP.... review was kool tho
ReplyDeleteThis film is so faithful to the cartoon it forgets to clue in those who are new to Aang's story. Also, the lack of human interest make it impossible to care about the characters or what happens to them. But, as a fan of the original Nickleodeon show, it was nice to see it in live action on such a large scale. Dev Patel is great as Prince Zuko too.