I’m not even going to beat around the bush and say it that this film just sucks yes I think it’s not that good. From the casting down to the way the whole story is written out. At the start of this Robert Rodriguez produced film, we see the main actor Royce (Adrien Brody) waking up falling from out the sky into this planet which he doesn’t know nothing about. He manages to open his parachute and just about land in this new planet where he meets these other characters that have suffered the same fate and ended up there. After a few altercations they all decide to stick together and venture through the jungle.
This movie doesn’t create any real type of meaning to the viewers and I think the story was told poorly. Every time a character was killed by an alien Predator you don’t think that person had any real significance. The killings of the Predators are a visual treat. The detail on the aliens look very impressive and also the movements by Derek Mears (Google him) the man behind the mask of the main predator is very neatly done. It’s the only thing I can say was good in this film. The Arnold Schwarzenegger days of the Predator franchise started with a bang, shame to see it go to waste.
I normally have a favourite actor/actress in films and I did in this one, which was the American doctor Edwin (Topher Grace) but I changed my mind when he’s character changes towards the end. He shows his true colours as being a monster who likes killings and not this nice sensitive doctor I had come to like in the movie. I don’t think it worked when his character changed for me it made it unbelievable. For the type of actor he is they should have gotten someone else for his role.

Edwin (Topher Grace), Isabelle (Alice Braga), Royce (Adrien Brody) are all fleeing to the Predators ship in order to escape the planet they were in. Edwin leg gets caught in a trap and he is unable to continue running. Royce wants Isabelle to leave him as the Predators are hot on their tale. Edwin pleads to them to carry him but Royce feels it will only slow them down. Edwin then pulls out a picture in his pocket of two children that are of Nikolai’s (Oleg Takarov) who was killed earlier in the film. Edwin pretends that their his kids and screams
“You Can’t Leave Me Here I’ve Got Kids”
(If you loved another moment in the film, please feel free to tell me in the comments)
Never even heard of this movie lol . But it sounds bad lol.
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