X-Men: Days Of Future Past is an action, adventure superhero movie Directed by Bryan Singer. The X-Men have no choice but to send Wolverine to the past in a desperate effort to change history and prevent a wipe out of both humans and mutants.
Starring: Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Halle Berry, Nicholas Hoult, Anna Paquin, Ellen Page, Peter Dinklage, Shawn Ashmore, Omar Sy, Evan Peters, Josh Helman, Daniel Cudmore & Bingbing Fan
Writer - @sliderbee
X-Men: Days of Future Past is a breath of fresh action & adventure air that sets a new standards for superhero flicks. This motion picture comes as a sequel to both X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) &X-Men: First Class (2011).
Director Brian Singer has managed to throw in all the characteristics of why we loved the superheros in the first place. Action scenes blossoming right from the start. Storyline is well thought-out, dialogue with a purpose and a great mix of twists. If that's not enough, they even merge bits of the previous movies to complete this new one. We are introduced to younger versions of the X:Men, giving screen time to characters in two different times of their lives. With over 2 hours playing time there's long list of mutants (new ones too) showing off their powers with brilliant special effects backing and great cinematography.
Every character gets enough screen time to dazzle us in their elements. There's not much more one can ask for, even the 3D is amazing work. This is a brilliant achievement and can easily go toe to toe with The Avengers for the best superhero movie out so far.
A movie where the front men connection is on the same level is a directors dream and always a pleasure to watch. The actors & actresses are fantastic from start to finish. Fassbender (Magneto) & McAvoy (Professor X) deliver top performances, they are so believable and their chemistry is plain to see on screen. Jennifer Lawrence (Mystique) is the show stealer. She's a woman on a mission destroying everything in her path. Not only is she an outstanding actress that owned every scene she was in, she's also a beautiful woman even when dipped head to toe in blue. Hugh Jackman is the poster boy, everything has to happen around him. He plays a great Wolverine/Logan and fits well in the mix. Other actors made good performances that solidifies the movie. Perfect cast.
If you loved First Class then you will adore this. #MustWatchMovie2014
Starring: Hugh Jackman, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Halle Berry, Nicholas Hoult, Anna Paquin, Ellen Page, Peter Dinklage, Shawn Ashmore, Omar Sy, Evan Peters, Josh Helman, Daniel Cudmore & Bingbing Fan
Writer - @sliderbee

Director Brian Singer has managed to throw in all the characteristics of why we loved the superheros in the first place. Action scenes blossoming right from the start. Storyline is well thought-out, dialogue with a purpose and a great mix of twists. If that's not enough, they even merge bits of the previous movies to complete this new one. We are introduced to younger versions of the X:Men, giving screen time to characters in two different times of their lives. With over 2 hours playing time there's long list of mutants (new ones too) showing off their powers with brilliant special effects backing and great cinematography.
Every character gets enough screen time to dazzle us in their elements. There's not much more one can ask for, even the 3D is amazing work. This is a brilliant achievement and can easily go toe to toe with The Avengers for the best superhero movie out so far.

If you loved First Class then you will adore this. #MustWatchMovie2014
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