Apollo 18 is a Science Fiction Horror film Directed by Gonzalo Lopez-Gallego (This is Lopez-Gallego's first English Language film). Decades old found footage from NASA's abandones Apollo 18 mission. Where two american astronauts were sent on a secret expedition. It reveals the reason the U.S has never returned to the moon. Its Starring Lloyd Owen, Warren Christie & Ryan Robbins.
#Fact: This film is shot in a mockumentary found footage style, supposedly of the lost footage of the Apollo 18 mission that was only recently discovered.
#Fact: This film is shot in a mockumentary found footage style, supposedly of the lost footage of the Apollo 18 mission that was only recently discovered.
Anyone who watched the trailer would be intrigued & want to see this film. It leaves the mind with questions of what the 18th Apollo mission actually was, exactly what happened & was it even real.
OH NO... i went to watch this film and i really wished i didn't, it oh so boring. (im surprised i didn't fall asleep) This is meant to be a horror type film?. DO ME A FAVOUR *yawns*. All this talk of there's a reason NASA has never been back to the moon and this is what they had on offer as the excuse?. This is one of them waste of time, waste of money type films. The way the film is shot does not help (not a fan of the camera work) and neither does the storyline. This is something you expect to see on television not the cinema.
Surprise Surprise this film has aliens and unfortunately for the Director these creatures are nothing you haven't seen before. I have seen have seen much better. The set and the acting is okay (i guess) the whole thing just never took off as a whole. A terrible film that resembles the Blair Witch Project. i think i will just leave this review here. (im bored even writing about it)
Anyone who watched the trailer would be intrigued & want to see this film. It leaves the mind with questions of what the 18th Apollo mission actually was, exactly what happened & was it even real.
OH NO... i went to watch this film and i really wished i didn't, it oh so boring. (im surprised i didn't fall asleep) This is meant to be a horror type film?. DO ME A FAVOUR *yawns*. All this talk of there's a reason NASA has never been back to the moon and this is what they had on offer as the excuse?. This is one of them waste of time, waste of money type films. The way the film is shot does not help (not a fan of the camera work) and neither does the storyline. This is something you expect to see on television not the cinema.
Surprise Surprise this film has aliens and unfortunately for the Director these creatures are nothing you haven't seen before. I have seen have seen much better. The set and the acting is okay (i guess) the whole thing just never took off as a whole. A terrible film that resembles the Blair Witch Project. i think i will just leave this review here. (im bored even writing about it)
(if you loved another moment in the film, please feel free to share it with us in the comments)
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