Django Unchained is an action, drama & western film Directed by Quentin Tarantino (same guy that brought us Kill Bill 1, 2 & Inglourious Basterds). A black slave is rescued from his owners and turned into a bounty hunter. He then sets out to rescue his wife from a brutal Mississippi plantation owner, with the help of his mentor. Its starring Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kerry Washington, Samuel L Jackson, Walton Goggins, Dennis Christopher, James Remar, David Steen, Sammi Rotibi, Attoh Esandoh, Laura Cayouette & Ato Essandoh.
FilmFact: Will Smith, Idris Elba, Chris Tucker, Terrence Howard, Michael Kenneth Williams & Tyrese Gibson were all considered for the role of Django. Quentin Tarantino actually wrote the role with Will Smith in mind, and Smith's agents and manager wanted him to accept it, but Smith ultimately decided to pass. Tarantino then offered the part to Jamie Foxx.
FilmFact: Will Smith, Idris Elba, Chris Tucker, Terrence Howard, Michael Kenneth Williams & Tyrese Gibson were all considered for the role of Django. Quentin Tarantino actually wrote the role with Will Smith in mind, and Smith's agents and manager wanted him to accept it, but Smith ultimately decided to pass. Tarantino then offered the part to Jamie Foxx.
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Django Unchained is very entertaining, playful, funny, daring yet enjoyable from start to finish and has all the Tarantino trademarks written all over. As usual expect a witty/cute dialogue, fast reaction shots, heap of profanity, over the top gruesome violence, great characters and a marmite plot. With all these elements I was still injected with the seriousness of slavery and racism. The script is a little inaccurate & slow but at the same time refreshing, hardly could I tell what was going to happen next, it literally draws you in. The storyline is so many things at once; it's a western, a drama, a love story, a comedy and an action film. I just wish this storyline of nearly 3 hours pushed for greatness not just brilliance because I did feel the plot dragging. I felt like the film concentrated too much on just using the "N" word and splattering blood everywhere like a violently drawn art piece.
The buzz around this movie has been unstoppable especially with the 2013 Oscar nominations being revealed. Everyone has been talking about Quentin Tarantino's new movie & the 5 awards its up for. I had the pleasure of an early viewing and its my pleasure to tell you that this movie is amazing, a brilliant effort. Haven't said that, I do think with a few more major characters & a shorter plot, it would have been PERFECT. Django Unchained is a spaghetti western set in the Deep South. The film follows a freed slave on a mission to rescue his wife from a plantation owner with the help of a bounty hunter.

Django Unchained is very entertaining, playful, funny, daring yet enjoyable from start to finish and has all the Tarantino trademarks written all over. As usual expect a witty/cute dialogue, fast reaction shots, heap of profanity, over the top gruesome violence, great characters and a marmite plot. With all these elements I was still injected with the seriousness of slavery and racism. The script is a little inaccurate & slow but at the same time refreshing, hardly could I tell what was going to happen next, it literally draws you in. The storyline is so many things at once; it's a western, a drama, a love story, a comedy and an action film. I just wish this storyline of nearly 3 hours pushed for greatness not just brilliance because I did feel the plot dragging. I felt like the film concentrated too much on just using the "N" word and splattering blood everywhere like a violently drawn art piece.
Quentin Tarantino is without a doubt one of the greats when it comes to directing. His style is unique, unpredictable and always daring. Whenever he puts together the dialogue, characters and soundtrack everything seems to blend effortlessly. He was close to perfection with this movie. Its the performances from the top four characters that had me in awe, for a cast to be put together and work with such chemistry like they do, I am now not surprised about the Oscar nominations.
An energetic Dr. King Schultz, Christoph Waltz takes the star of the show award because his charismatic performance was in a class of it's own. The best supporting actor I've seen in a long time, he was made to be in Tarantino movies. Leonardo DiCaprio played plantation owner Calvin J. Candie, he showed that even though he's not the top guy here, he can still deliver in any role. As Stephen, Samuel L. Jackson also does very well, he reminds that even at his age he can be and still is one of the best. Jamie Foxx as Django & Kerry Washington as Broomhilda were both brilliant. Their romance kept the purpose of the film alive, the red from the bloodshed splattered represented the deepness of their love. This movie has set the pace for top movie of 2013 so far.

The scene where Django picks his clothes.
The scene where Django picks his clothes.
(if you loved another moment in the film, please feel free to share it with ME in the comments section :)