Arthur is a 2011 Comedy remake film Directed by Jason Winer <--(First motion picture). This film is about a drunken playboy who’s set to lose his family’s inheritance when he falls for a woman his family does not approve of. Its Starring Russell Brand, Helen Mirren, Jennifer Garner, Greta Gerwig, Luis Guzman, Nick Nolte, Christina Calph & Evander Holyfield.
#Fact: The Original arthur (starring Dudley Moore) was made in 1981. It was written & directed by Steve Gordon.
We all know of Russell Brand's background so when we saw it was him headlining this remake we was excited to see how he brings back arthur’s story (the original is pretty good). The trailer looks funny so we went on to watch this one in good faith.
After watching arthur we thought as whole it was okay. Yes it’s funny Yes the characters are very likeable but it’s also forgettable (won’t really be a talked about film). It comes close to being as good as the original but it’s not better. The director take us to New York where the film is set and makes Arthur in his own way. He just couldn’t take it that step further that it needed to go (not a bad try for his first major film). The film has its funny moments that had us Laughing Out Loud so we have to commend the writers because a film that’s out to be funny has to make people laugh and it did. On one hand its showcasing that money cant buy happiness but tedious people will complain about it that's its rubbing money in normal everyday working peoples faces (pick a hand and decide for yourself).
The storyline is okay, but admittedly it’s nothing special. Its starts off good but then does not really get better, it just stays on one level. With 30 minutes left we were just waiting it for it to end, it was starting to lose its flavour. The characters and their funniness is the films saving grace. The women characters are all different, each of had their own aura that bounced off Arthur and worked especially the relationship between arthur (Brand) & his nanny Hobson (Mirren). They were a great pair on screen.
Hats off to Russell Brand because he pulls off a brilliant arthur, he is very believable, childish and most importantly funny. He will be the reason people will continue watching this film. This might just be his best work so far in his acting career. The only left down was the all over cliché film (not his fault). We also really liked the Arthur's nanny Hobson (Mirren), her character was good to watch. Garner Gerwig, Guzman & Nolte all pull off applausable performances.
OVERALL: Forget about the story and just enjoy the comedy.
Arthurs Humour. Couple LOL moments.
(if you loved another moment in the film, please feel free to share it with us in the comments)